
Do you experience pain during bowel movements or urination?
Do you experience pain during or after intercourse?
Do you experience dysmenorrhea (extremely painful period cramps) during your menstrual period; e.g. unbearable pain during cramps?
Do medicines such as Tylenol, Advil, Aleve, Midol, etc. help your painful cramps?
Have you/and your partner struggled with infertility whilst trying to get pregnant?
Have you been previously diagnosed with PCOS, IC/PBS (painful bladder syndrome), IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), pelvic inflammatory disease, fibromyalgia, or ovarian cysts?
Do you have a family history of endometriosis?
Have you been experiencing intermenstrual bleeding also known as spotting or bleeding between periods?
Do you experience chronic pelvic pain, often accompanied by lower back and abdominal pain?

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